Nomination Form

Nominations are now open for our 2024 Wildflower Project

What is the wildflower project

Do you know someone who is a selfless, amazing, gracious human?

That one person who is the helping hand, a shoulder to cry on or a go-getter?

We bet you do! We sure do!

Often times these kind of people may not take a lot of time for themselves or plan moments where they are in the spotlight…

When my friend, Kourtnie Zwald approached me about an idea she had for a community project— together we instantly felt a tug on our hearts to give back to someone that should be lifted up, celebrated and loved… then just like the wildflowers grow, this idea blossomed into…

- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓳𝓮𝓬𝓽 - where a nominated individual will receive a personalized photography session and an uplifting experience that showcases their life, love and story.

How to nominate someone

Please complete this nomination form in it’s entirety. Make sure the person you are nominating would be accepting of this opportunity.

Make sure to be honest and open with the answers your provide, we really want to get to know the nominees and why they are a great fit for this uplifting opportunity.

After April 5th we will gather to read and use discernment on selecting the person who will receive this gift.

After the recipient is chosen we will be in contact with you to arrange a way to surprise your nominee with this gift. We can’t wait for the excitement and anticipation for this moment!

Our first gifted session will be in May or June (tentatively) - The gifted session will be an absolute experience of a lifetime for the recipient!

What is included in this gifted EXPERIENCE

A 60-minute lifestyle portrait session - (may include immediate family of the recipient upon request)

Beautiful photographic location in Tillamook County

Optional use of a client closet outfits/gowns

15 non-watermarked, hand-edited images

Online gallery with printing rights

Hair styling by a local hair stylist Giona Hurliman (for the nominated recipient only)

Makeup application by local MUA Kaitlyn Dooher (for the nominated recipient only)

A special gift supplied by local businesses

Important info - A photographic contract and release will be required by selected recipient prior to session date

We look forward to this project and hope that it grows into so much more

Kourtnie Zwald - Project Coordinator

Jessica Meyer - Photographer

Hair Stylist - Giona Hurliman

Make-Up Artist - Kaitlyn Dooher

nominations are currently open until April 5th, 2024